Making a Dolls Head and Sewing a Nose
I remember jumping on a trampoline and my mother saying "be careful", but we didn't listen because we where so busy jumping!
"Jump jump jump" as high as we both could jump. until my little friend, my favourite dolls head bumped into mine... luckily his head was much softer then mine.
Doll Kits are available to purchase at Cotton Cute Shop
There are many ways of putting together a dolls head, and through the tutorials we hope to share some of the many techniques. Below we have shared one of the wonderful basic Doll Head-Making method widely used, its is easy to make and always looks lovely. Below we have put together a little video to explain the diagram we use to sew the doll in our patterns and tutorials. Each tutorial has a kit, which have the correct amount of materials to suit the design.
Happy Doll-Making!
"Cotton Cute"
... And now the Nose
We have put a small visual video to assist with the diagram for nose making that are in most of our tutorials and patterns.
Doll Making Tool Kits are available to purchase at our Cotton Cute Shop